

I am a real health freak, and believe a healthy lifestyle is key to happiness. We often underestimate the importance of health, and the essential need for good food, sleep and movement to support our system to function at its best. It can be a lack of knowledge or sabotaging habits that prevent us from feeling good. Being healthy means being independent. Being independent is the best present you can give to yourself and your loved ones.

Every life and every phase needs a different approach. For example, my expertise puberty and menopause both need a different point of attention.

What works for one person doesn’t have to work for you. Unfortunately, there is no secret formula for quick health improvement. I offer to create a tailor-made program that works for you and your circumstances. Step by step. Whether it is losing weight, feeling stronger, building your dream body, feeling more alive, improving your sleep or your sex life, I will not stop searching for the best way to gain back your vitality and fun.



I am a real health freak, and believe a healthy lifestyle is key to happiness. We often underestimate the importance of health, and the essential need of good food, sleep and movement to support our system to function at its best. It can be a lack of knowledge, or sabotaging habits that prevents us from feeling good. Being healthy means being independent. Being independent is best present you can give to yourself and your loved ones.

Every life and every phase needs a different approach. What works for me doesn’t have to work for you. Unfortunately, there is no secret formula for quick health improvement. I offer to create a tailor-made program that works for you and your circumstances. Step by step. Whether its losing weight, feeling stronger, building your dream body, feeling more alive, improving your sleep or your sex life, I will not stop searching for the best way to find back your vitality and fun.

What can you expect in the first session?

In the first consultation we will map out what you want to achieve or change, and how we will approach it. I don't use one specific method, with every client it's a unique journey and process. I can analyse issues very fast, I love quick results. Everybody has different questions and goals. Also, I will discuss with you whether I am the most suitable person for that process. Maybe I feel there is a person that can support you better. I have many people in my network that are excellent therapists and teachers, all with their unique skills. Most importantly we will look at underlying repetitive patterns that play a role in your life. The aim is to make sabotaging habits automatically fade into the background. The result is that your life becomes easier, lighter and you achieve whatever you want effortlessly.

If not now, then when?

As a child I was always ridiculed when doing sports. I was slow, chubby, easily distracted, dreamy and clumsy. Not the favourite of my sports teachers at school. I decided one day at age 12, after being laughed at for the umpteenth time, to never do sports again. And I kept that promise for a long time. I adopted an arrogant ‘sport is for uneducated people’ attitude. Besides that, I developed an eating disorder.

My weight fluctuated between 48 and 83 kilos. I suffered tremendously and needed ten years of therapy to overcome my eating disorders.

But then my 50th birthday arrived. And I realised I had achieved everything I wanted, but never had dared to enter a gym. My secret dream: I wanted to get fit as hell. But I had to overcome a lot of resistance, fear and trauma.

That journey started seven years ago.

I am still often insecure about doing sport. But now I have a six pack! And I can’t even begin to describe the amazing feeling of being fit, strong and sexy! 

And I definitely have the experience to help you overcome your fears, resistance and insecurities about movement and getting fit.

I can’t wait to start your fitness journey!

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